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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Orphan Sunday

November 7th is Orphan Sunday.
This is a time for you and your church or organization to promote orphan care and adoption. If you want to celebrate this event and encourage others to care for "the least of these" go to to learn what tools and resources are available. If you are interested in a volunteer or staff member from Nightlight to give a presentation to your church or group, send an email to

Monday, October 4, 2010

I can't stop the tears

Adoption is a roller coaster ride and a test of faith. To say the least. As you can see from my posts....I have been going up the coaster track to a plateau that I rode a little while and now..what goes up, must come down. I am plummeting at the speed of sound today. I actually want this coaster to crash at the bottom, or my seat belt to fail so I can be ejected from my seat.

My friend that works with the potential birthmother is being moved to another center and therefore the weekly contact with that family will be gone.

I was greeted with a bill from my adoption agency and home study agency this morning. I need $898 by November 1st. (insert boisterous laughter)

I feel like I am "wasting" a grand that I don't have, on a baby I will never have

I feel that I KNOW I am not finished having children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel that I am the only one in this family that feels this way right now.

I also know that although it appears all hope is lost or I failed the faith test. I haven't. I am bawling while I write this, sure. I am broken at the moment..yes. But I believe in a God that will carry me through. I can't walk this today. He will carry me though.