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Thursday, May 20, 2010


Not adoption related, but too funny not to share.
On the way home from school today Rachel talked my ear off with constant questions, which is what she does every time we are in the car. Non-stop questions! (or non stop joke telling as written about on my other blog about her)
Today her questions were about fleas. Why do they bite, what do they eat, what is their reason for being and on and on and on......*exhausted sigh from Mommy*
My answer was that although God made everything for a reason, I had absolutely no idea what the purpose of a flea was, they must have been good for something at some point, but I don't know what their point is now.
She very matter of fact-ly states that fleas exist because God's Mommy told Him NO FLEAS ALLOWED but that God forgot His Mommy told Him that so he made fleas anyway.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Checking in

Today I called our agency just to check in. It's been awhile since I last spoke to them when comparing it to our other adoption agency that called or emailed us once a week. Today my case worker told me that they leave all the contact up to the adoptive couple because for some of them, a weekly call with "sorry, we have nothing for you." is hard. Fair enough, makes sense. She also told me that it has been unusually slow with only 1 African American situation in the past few months. Ok, WHAT? Its NOT A SITUATION is a birth mother and her child! I was a little shocked by that statement.
We are still waiting for our fingerprints to come back. Tomorrow it will be one month. It is only supposed to take about 2 weeks. There is speculation that fingerprints are being held up due to the fact that all the Census workers have to be cleared first. Unlike our previous adoption, waiting on the fingerprints to be back does nothing to hold up our adoption process. We can still be profiled to potential birth mother's while we wait on the fingerprints. So that is a huge load off our shoulders!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sill slow

Everything is really s.l.o.w!!

I am not getting discouraged, but I feel it trying to creep on me hard.

The coffee sales started off OK when I 1st posted about it and now it has come to a complete stop. We have sold a total of 17 bags. I can never stop saying how thankful we are to have found this organization because of how it benefits the children in Ethiopia as well as our domestic adoption and I can never stop being thankful for the sales we have made. Humbled.
I am not a pushy person when it comes to this type of thing, and don't know what else to do to promote Just Love Coffee. I have told everyone I know to tell everyone they know. That's as far as I can go comfortably. Nothing much else I can do anyway ;)

As for the adoption process itself. Still, nothing. Just waiting. I wish I had more of an update for you.

In other news. I had not heard from they agency we are Foster Parents through for a few months. That is odd to say the least don't you think!? I called CYS upset we were treated that way and asked them if they knew anything about our agency. They did. They told me THEY CLOSED!!!!!!
They shut down due to lack of funds and never told us!!! WHAT!??!!?!??!?!?!?!
CYS apologized profusely and could only assume we were not told because we had no foster children at the time that we fell through the cracks. CYS also told me that because we are in the process of adopting, it is a conflict of interest and we can't do fostering either. Soo here we are with a lonely and BORED 4 year old, a home with an empty bedroom waiting for a child, and hearts with room for another child..and we can't.

Hoping for some progress to share with you soon, but for now, we wait.
Don't worry, we are good at it. Rachel's adoption took 2.5 years. This couple of months stuff is nothin! ;)
Remind me of that later.........
ha ha