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Thursday, September 16, 2010


We have been contacted about a possible adoption. Possible meaning........... I don't know. Its very complicated. We have been told to pray and wait cautiously. So, its what I am doing. Praying and waiting cautiously. I ask that you do the same for us as well. PLEASE ;)

The birth mother has a 2.5 year old daughter that her parents adopted. Her parents have 2 daughters in their 20's as well as two 7 year old twins and their adopted 2.5 year old. They are nearing 50 and really do not want another child. They have told their daughter they prefer she give this child up for adoption to another family but that it is her decision and if she chooses to "keep" her baby, they will adopt that baby as well. The birth father also wants to have this baby adopted.
The birth mother is in counselling to help her make the decision that is right for her. I am very thankful she is in counselling. This is a very hard place to be. I worry for her, that she is feeling alone..with everyone around her wanting her to give this baby up for adoption. I worry she doesn't feel supported and that her heart is breaking. I can't imagine what it is like to be in her shoes. She apparently got pregnant on purpose and no one knows why exactly. More attention? Second chance at "getting it right"? Everyone involved has their own opinions, but no one feels she is capable of parenting. That must make her feel loved too.
I feel guilty in a way, about praying that God give us this baby. I know if my prayer is answered a family suffers loss. I know if our prayer isn't answered we suffer. Adoption is hard all around.
For as hard as adoption is, it is equally or more so a miraculous blessing. It is something that is not fully understood unless you are in it.
This family is a wonderful family from what we have been told...I agree, they do sound wonderful! If this were to work out, it would be an open adoption, and I think that all of the lives involved would be enriched by getting to know each other.
So, if you think of us. Pray. Pray for the birth mother, pray for us.

P.S. We do not know when the baby is due, but we do know its a................................GIRL!


  1. Oh wow Sara!!!!! I will be praying!!! Guess you really don't know when you will know for sure do you? Do this mean they picked you out of potential parents??
