Click the pic to be taken to our coffee store

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Monday. House is ''friend clean" [ I have different tiers of cleanliness ;-) ]

While Rachel and I are at the gym, the social worker calls and leaves a message saying she has to re-schedule and she doesn't know when she will be able to come again with Easter coming etc. *bangs head against wall* I take it alot better than I would have in the past, but I have been through this before. It isn't a matter of if something will go wrong, it's when. So, I was upset, but pretty much just let it roll off me. Nothing I can do. But wait! There is something I can do! Annoy with phone calls! YEAH, that's what I'll do :) I call them back, she isn't available, I leave a message, wait 45 mins and call again. Point being she can come the next day at 11 a.m. I say yes, because she just has to get here! 2 problems :
1 ) I have a dentist appointment 45 mins away
2) Rachel has school.
I call the dentist and tell them they are gonna have to rush me through, they promise they can and they delivered! Yay-hoo.

I had to leave the social worker in my house while I went to pick up Rachel from school but I didn't care. I have no issues with privacy anymore after all I went through being Canadian coming to the States, adopting internationally and fostering. "They" know more about me than I do.

She stays all of 40 mins maybe a little less. Pretty painless. We are having issues getting our fingerprint records from the foster agency, so we decided just to do them again. So, I have to fill out a financial paper, medical paper and do the fingerprints again and that is IT for paperwork! TOTALLY done paperwork!!! WOOHOO. WOW. SOO much easier than the last time and no pressure waiting for these to be completed because our agency will show us to potential birth parents before all this is in. I am afraid to say this is way too easy, so I won't say it. ;) I will just enjoy it for now because there are bound to be hiccups along the way...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

this and that

I was over at Rachel's blog poking around...I never read it after I post things and I thought it would be fun to start reading the very first few entries since we are starting adoption again, it would be interesting to see how things have changed and or stayed the same.

I laughed at a couple of posts I wrote about not being able to shave or watch TV or read or clean or anything but chase, damage control, chase. LOL

I found a post about us wanting to adopt again from December 2006. I was going to put it here for you, but the can't get it to cut and paste. Maybe tomorrow ;)

I finished the scrapbook Friday! Ok, good news bad news there. I did it all day long. Rachel watched A.L.O.T of tv that day, and I hate hate hate that...but I told myself that once in awhile a day like that won't kill her, but I still don't like it. If only she would just play by herself for 5 mins. She of course only does that for her Dad. Even with all my suggestions and getting a game out or pointing out some books etc. *sigh* But, I got it done and I will never have to do it again so woohooo for something crossed off the list.

Our social worker comes Monday at 11. Anyone want to pop by and entertain Rachel while I clean the house?? I haven't really done that yet because let's face it, it's pointless until Monday morning! At least with my child and all these stinky cats it is. I am not anywhere near as concerned about this as I was our last home study. It is what it is. If I get around to dusting great, if I don't because its nice outside and we go for a walk instead then we do. I would like to have the piles of stuff designated for the attic put away but the rest, whatev ;p

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A mini update

I am about halfway finished the scrapbook. It's been fun (and annoying at times). I am going to work on it from 10-midnight tonight and then finish up Friday so I can get it overnighted Saturday to arrive Monday.

I have not started the letter. I have googled examples. YIKES is all I have to say. I have to finish it this weekend so we can still be shown to birthmothers Monday. UGH

I went to Babies R Us today to look for a baby gift for my cousin, to look into what stroller if any will fit in my teeency weeency little trunk and also just to wander around and look at newborn supplies since I am clueless as to what I even need. I left with 3 things from there.
1) Undies for Rachel - I am sure you needed to know that.
2) An overwhelming sense of dread. Newborns need SOOO MUCH stuff and I don't have the slightest clue what to do with a newborn or the mountains of stuff. When you are pregnant your Doctor tells you things and when you deliver you aren't allowed to leave the hospital until you can give it a bath. Well, what is there for us adoptive Momma's???? I don't want to get the Idiots Guide To Newborns. I really don't, but I don't even know how to give a newborn a bath! ;)
3) A job application for Babies R US.

OH! Its 10:01 I'm late ;) Gotta get to work.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Well, I still have not written the birth mother letter. I know how I feel and what I want to say, but getting it out of my head and onto paper is the problem. Something that has plagued me since elementary school. It'll come and when it does, it will be great. (or just OK) ;p

I started the scrapbook. The challenge there is working with 81/2 x 11 (SOO SMALL) when scrapbooking is typically 12x12. Also, it is recommended to use approx. 30 pictures. I went through my digital photo library and placed my order on snapfish. I narrowed it down to 106 pictures! It's not that I can't make a decision it's that I just take way too many pictures!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


The papers that were to come Monday or Tuesday actually arrived Saturday! She sent them out Friday at 430 and shazzaaam they come Saturday. Neat.

I am finished everything except the birth mother letter (Rachel's was easy for me - maybe because it was international?) but this one...I can't get past Dear. TOTALLY BLANK!!!

Next up to complete is the family scrapbook album. Thankfully I am a scrapbooker so putting it together will not be hard or take long, but choosing the pictures could take a long time ;)

My goal is to have the letter and the album to the agency by the 29th.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Talk about speeding things up!.....

I called the agency again today. I left them alone for 4 days. That's pretty good for me :) It's Friday and I couldn't bear going the entire weekend not knowing if all my references made it back to them yet. I called at 3pm. She still had not checked the mail today.


She did say that she had already received 2 of the required 5 and that if she had just one more she would be OK with sending out the next round of papers. While I was talking to her, one of my friends/reference texted me with a question about the forms she had to fill out. I told the agency this and we joked about how awesome technology is these days. She then says, "you know what? I'll just put everything you need in the mail today before I go home so you can get to work on it Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Your friend that texted you will be the 3rd reference and I'm sure there are more waiting for me when I check the mail."


Here is where my shock at speeding things up comes in. I explained to my caseworker how I am having a really hard time getting ahold of the social worker that did our home study for Rachel's adoption. That home study is 3 years old. They expire every 3 years. Nice right? Yes. Lovely. $400 bucks in my opinion that does not need spent because it is not even technically 3 years old yet. Sometime in April it is, but because of this or that lame butt law, we have to have a new one because by the time we had a baby it would be over 3 years old. I am rambling. I am good at that.

Agency says to me, as soon as we know she has been there, she doesn't even have to have the report in to us yet, but just as soon as we know she has been to your house we can start profiling you to birth mother's. That's right early as MARCH 29th we could be shown to a birth mother!!!!!!!!!!!

This is just hard to fathom for me. Rachel's adoption took 2 and a half YEARS. This one so far will be a MONTH. A month. Now of course we can sit in a file cabinet and wait to be chosen for a year. That is entirely possible, and probable. But to be from decision to start the adoption process to being in a file cabinet waiting to be chosen only taking a month is just plain...insane!

PLEASE drink your coffee faster and order more. lol. The large lump sum payment is due 30 days after the submission of round 2 paper work. A.k.a the 29th


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

coffee sales...

...aren't happening. :( I thought it was a wonderful fundraiser but apparently it is not. Yet. We have sold 5 bags of coffee since the store opened. Still.
So between those bags and other donations we have $73 towards the adoption.
Very grateful and humbled.
Slow and steady wins the race. It'll get there.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I called the adoption agency today to check in. They still had not mailed out our references because they had been without power for 4 days. Why you need your power on to stick a stamp on an envelope I'll never know. After a few polite complaints from me about wasting time and things she says that we can do all our references through email! Well TA-DA why didn't we do that in the 1st place? I don't think many people know how to put pen to paper anymore anyway. I know my handwriting is HORRIBLE now. It used to be sooo beautiful. Like a work of art. Right Mom? :)
So that is where we are references. That should help speed things up.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


1) Although the coffee sales support our adoption as well as orphans in Ethiopia, we are not adopting from Ethiopia. We are doing a domestic adoption this time and the agency only works with crisis pregnancy centers and women's shelters within Pennsylvania.

2) NO. We are not keeping the baby's name Fuchsia! ;)

3) A link to the store

Thursday, March 4, 2010



This blog has been set up for you to keep track of our adoption progress. That way, you can just stop by here to check up on things rather than me bothering you with an email every time something happens.

A little background:

When we adopted Rachel, we never planned on her being an only child. We were just not sure how a sibling would come into our family. We became licensed foster parents with the option of foster to adopt. We received a call about adopting a 3 year old boy. We said yes, lined up help, went shopping at a consignment shop for him and then *poof* as fast as the call came for him. Another came basically saying, "oops never mind."

There was a point when we were talking about whether or not to go back to the Dr. and go through all kinds of medical procedures and tests to get pregnant. That really isn't for us, and my husband said, "well, miracles do happen." Then I spent the better part of a year thinking I was pregnant I mean EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. This little pain, that little touch of sick feeling. Consumed me. I wanted to be pregnant not for reasons most people want to get pregnant but rather because it was the fastest cheapest way for us to have a child. I've always been a little weird. Its OK :) While thinking I was pregnant everyday, I was also thinking the phone would ring from our foster agency. To those of you that know our adoption story with Rachel, you know when I was anguishing over adoption vs. pregnant with her that God spoke to me and there was no doubt that adoption was for us. Don't get me wrong, there have been a couple of times, yes literally 2 where I wanted a biological child but God reminded me again that genetics is not why I fell in love with Kevin nor was genetics what matters when we pass things onto our children. Its character, values, beliefs, morals etc.

All of this happened over a span of about 2 years. About 3 weeks ago the topic of a sibling came up again because I heard "by complete accident" a commercial on the radio for an adoption agency that sounded like it would actually work for us. This time the conversation was much different. Kevin's door was CLOSED. NO MORE CHILDREN. THE END. A not very welcome birthday happens this year and he was determined NO BABIES at that age. He didn't know that I thought I was pregnant or waiting for the phone to ring for the last year so I felt crushed in more than one way. I have never felt such pain before. I was broken.

I prayed that if one child was the way for us for the desire for more children to go away because I couldn't handle it anymore. I also prayed that if a child was to come to our family that it would be his idea. I knew that if I opened my mouth to say anything more at all his answer would be something to the effect of whatever makes you happy. Just so he didn't have to deal with it anymore. I didn't want it to be my decision. I wanted it to be what God wants for us! I also had friends pray and a super sweet much needed prayer at my MOPS book study group.

Ten days goes by of much of the same. We get a sitter and go out to dinner to talk (first time in a YEAR btw) we discuss everything. All the fears, all the reasons why not. All the reasons to do it. Spent a few more days waiting and praying and then he says OK. I have never been one to sit around. He said OK and I immediately took action.

Here is our timeline so far :

Thursday February 25th Decision is made to adopt

Friday February 26th Application is mailed in

Thursday March 4th Applications for clearances are mailed in

Somewhere between last Thursday and this Thursday I found an amazing organization to fund raise all know about that or you would not be here. :)

As of today we have sold 5 bags of coffee. I think its been a week. We are SO THANKFUL to you for helping our adoption AND helping orphans in Ethiopia get a school!! We don't get to know who has purchased, just how many bags of coffee. So I can't thank you personally, just know we appreciate it more than you will ever know! :)