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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Monday. House is ''friend clean" [ I have different tiers of cleanliness ;-) ]

While Rachel and I are at the gym, the social worker calls and leaves a message saying she has to re-schedule and she doesn't know when she will be able to come again with Easter coming etc. *bangs head against wall* I take it alot better than I would have in the past, but I have been through this before. It isn't a matter of if something will go wrong, it's when. So, I was upset, but pretty much just let it roll off me. Nothing I can do. But wait! There is something I can do! Annoy with phone calls! YEAH, that's what I'll do :) I call them back, she isn't available, I leave a message, wait 45 mins and call again. Point being she can come the next day at 11 a.m. I say yes, because she just has to get here! 2 problems :
1 ) I have a dentist appointment 45 mins away
2) Rachel has school.
I call the dentist and tell them they are gonna have to rush me through, they promise they can and they delivered! Yay-hoo.

I had to leave the social worker in my house while I went to pick up Rachel from school but I didn't care. I have no issues with privacy anymore after all I went through being Canadian coming to the States, adopting internationally and fostering. "They" know more about me than I do.

She stays all of 40 mins maybe a little less. Pretty painless. We are having issues getting our fingerprint records from the foster agency, so we decided just to do them again. So, I have to fill out a financial paper, medical paper and do the fingerprints again and that is IT for paperwork! TOTALLY done paperwork!!! WOOHOO. WOW. SOO much easier than the last time and no pressure waiting for these to be completed because our agency will show us to potential birth parents before all this is in. I am afraid to say this is way too easy, so I won't say it. ;) I will just enjoy it for now because there are bound to be hiccups along the way...


  1. You go girl!! And a huge yay for paperwork being done! So will your agency start showing your profile to birthmoms this week?

  2. YAY for the paperwork being DONE! Woo hoo!
