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Thursday, March 4, 2010



This blog has been set up for you to keep track of our adoption progress. That way, you can just stop by here to check up on things rather than me bothering you with an email every time something happens.

A little background:

When we adopted Rachel, we never planned on her being an only child. We were just not sure how a sibling would come into our family. We became licensed foster parents with the option of foster to adopt. We received a call about adopting a 3 year old boy. We said yes, lined up help, went shopping at a consignment shop for him and then *poof* as fast as the call came for him. Another came basically saying, "oops never mind."

There was a point when we were talking about whether or not to go back to the Dr. and go through all kinds of medical procedures and tests to get pregnant. That really isn't for us, and my husband said, "well, miracles do happen." Then I spent the better part of a year thinking I was pregnant I mean EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. This little pain, that little touch of sick feeling. Consumed me. I wanted to be pregnant not for reasons most people want to get pregnant but rather because it was the fastest cheapest way for us to have a child. I've always been a little weird. Its OK :) While thinking I was pregnant everyday, I was also thinking the phone would ring from our foster agency. To those of you that know our adoption story with Rachel, you know when I was anguishing over adoption vs. pregnant with her that God spoke to me and there was no doubt that adoption was for us. Don't get me wrong, there have been a couple of times, yes literally 2 where I wanted a biological child but God reminded me again that genetics is not why I fell in love with Kevin nor was genetics what matters when we pass things onto our children. Its character, values, beliefs, morals etc.

All of this happened over a span of about 2 years. About 3 weeks ago the topic of a sibling came up again because I heard "by complete accident" a commercial on the radio for an adoption agency that sounded like it would actually work for us. This time the conversation was much different. Kevin's door was CLOSED. NO MORE CHILDREN. THE END. A not very welcome birthday happens this year and he was determined NO BABIES at that age. He didn't know that I thought I was pregnant or waiting for the phone to ring for the last year so I felt crushed in more than one way. I have never felt such pain before. I was broken.

I prayed that if one child was the way for us for the desire for more children to go away because I couldn't handle it anymore. I also prayed that if a child was to come to our family that it would be his idea. I knew that if I opened my mouth to say anything more at all his answer would be something to the effect of whatever makes you happy. Just so he didn't have to deal with it anymore. I didn't want it to be my decision. I wanted it to be what God wants for us! I also had friends pray and a super sweet much needed prayer at my MOPS book study group.

Ten days goes by of much of the same. We get a sitter and go out to dinner to talk (first time in a YEAR btw) we discuss everything. All the fears, all the reasons why not. All the reasons to do it. Spent a few more days waiting and praying and then he says OK. I have never been one to sit around. He said OK and I immediately took action.

Here is our timeline so far :

Thursday February 25th Decision is made to adopt

Friday February 26th Application is mailed in

Thursday March 4th Applications for clearances are mailed in

Somewhere between last Thursday and this Thursday I found an amazing organization to fund raise all know about that or you would not be here. :)

As of today we have sold 5 bags of coffee. I think its been a week. We are SO THANKFUL to you for helping our adoption AND helping orphans in Ethiopia get a school!! We don't get to know who has purchased, just how many bags of coffee. So I can't thank you personally, just know we appreciate it more than you will ever know! :)

1 comment:

  1. what a great story! i would be interestsed to hear about how you came to adopt rachel!
